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Work Experience 

Photos From Work

Resume Highlights

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Shey Thorn interviewed by Kelly Finley, 92 ZEW, on World AIDS Day 2021.

AIDS Alabama South accepts donation from the Drexel Society Prichard Chapter. 

AIDS Alabama South accepts donation from Krewe of Phoenix.

2020 - Present

Executive Director

  • Supervise the AIDS Alabama South Education Department staff, Operations Department staff, Transportation Department staff, all Programs Department Staff, and new positions as they are developed. 

  • Manage agency and program budgets, and sign as authorizing staff on agency checks and contracts.

  • Expand organizational capacity through grant writing, developing Federal, State, City, and County-level partnerships, and project collaborations with community organizations with input from the Chief Executive Officer and other key staff.


Director of Prevention 

  • Perform administrative duties and tasks related to the Prevention Department or as assigned by the Executive Director

  • Present AIDS Alabama South’s approved HIV prevention curricula to schools and community organizations

  • Build and nurture new collaborative relationships with health care providers, other community-based organizations, and institutions

  • Demonstrate the ability to gain access to minority communities and at-risk populations

2017 - 2019

Prevention Outreach Coordinator

  • Develop curriculum for all HIV Prevention Courses.

  • Assist with the development of seminars and training materials.

  • Networked with local organizations, leaders, and consumers, resulting in the establishment of new and lasting partnerships.

  • Developed presentations and media to promote community resources and HIV Prevention program at seminars and other local events such as public events, community groups, and school assemblies

  • Created and implemented community-based programs to improve education or fill specific needs

HHE 585 Applied Practice Experience

Site Name:

Alabama Department of Public Health- Montgomery, Alabama

Preceptor Name:

Jora White- HIV Prevention Division Director

Title of Applied Practice Experience:

HIV Cluster Detection

Products from Applied Practice Experience:

Summary of Applied Practice Experience 

This project aimed to educate communities that have been identified through molecular clustering by providing HIV testing and education. This was conducted through training a team of staff made up of local AIDS Service Organizations (ASO), Community Based Organizations (CBO), HIV Managers, Disease Intervention Specialists, and a member of the HIV Surveillance Team. All testing information was reported in the HIV AIDS Data System (HADIS). In addition, this information was reported to CDC.

This experience provided me with a solid foundation in community-wide teamwork, education, activism, communication, and collaboration. I have gained invaluable experience working with stakeholders, community and state-wide leaders, and disproportionately marginalized communities of color. 

Shey Thorn and Jora White

Community and Statewide Leadership Involvement

  • Board of Directors for Alabama Campaign for Adolescent Sexual Health

  • Co-Chair for Ending the HIV Epidemic, Alabama

  • Vice-Chair, The Door to Serenity

  • Core Team- Southwest Alabama LGBTQ+ Community Health Needs Assessment

  • IV Class, The Alabama Leadership Initiative

  • Grant Writing, Program Development, and Implementation

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