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Educational Overview

Below you will find descriptions of some of the courses I have taken during my Master of Public Health studies at The University of Alabama. These courses and assignments are highlighted as I believe they directly align with my future career and personal interests including research, policy, program development, and communications across diversity. These courses have equipped me with the necessary tools and insight to be a leader in HIV work and in Public Health Education and Promotion. 

Advanced Foundations
of Public Health

 This course addressed factors related to human health, examines public health and health care systems, and explores emerging research and application areas in the field.


Please click on "HHE 512" above. This will lead you to my personal philosophy paper which explicates my ethical, moral, and career goals. 


​Health Promotion Techniques

Study of current health promotional techniques and programs, designed to facilitate health behavioral change. Emphasis on review of scientific literature concerning the development, implementation, and evaluation of health promotion schemes.


Please click on "HHE 530" above. This will lead you to an Advocacy Kit showcasing my abilities in policy and advocacy. 

Techniques of Research
In Health

Designed to acquaint the student with the types of research and the methods and materials necessary for scientific inquiry; includes the development of a research proposal, with emphasis on form and style.


Please click on "HHE 506" above. This will lead you to my research proposal. This proposal demonstrates my passion for HIV-related public health research.  

Health Disparities

This course examines a case study detailing a unique cultural view/experience of the American health system. It also serves to provide health education and promotion strategies to engage diverse populations in interventions.


Please click on "HHE 587" above. This will lead you to a research paper I wrote on diminishing HIV-related health disparities for African American communities. 

Theories of Health

Designed to review research literature regarding health behavior and to analyze various models developed to explain health behavior.


Please click on "HHE 520" above. This will lead you to my Health Promotion project PowerPoint, demonstrating my organizational and creative strengths in Public Health education. 

Communication &

Study and analysis of issues of diversity as they relate to groups in society and in communication fields. Emphasis is on the media's treatment of various groups in society. Approved as a communication and culture elective.


Please click on "COM 513" above. This will lead you to a personal reflection paper, showcasing my ability to use my lived experiences as a testament to my passion for public health. 

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